Friday 01/09/17
Core Work to start session. then 30 seconds each: Mounted Barbell Single Arm Inclined Push Press 20kg/15kg -First Arm -Second Arm -Triple Unders -1 minute rest 6 rounds
Core Work to start session. then 30 seconds each: Mounted Barbell Single Arm Inclined Push Press 20kg/15kg -First Arm -Second Arm -Triple Unders -1 minute rest 6 rounds
Every 45 seconds complete: 3 of your hardest CTB Pullups, x 10 50 Wall Balls 9/7kg Rest 120 seconds 40 Wall Balls Rest 90 seconds 30 Wall Balls Rest 60 seconds 20 Wall Balls Rest 30 seconds 10 Wall Balls
Every 30 seconds: With a resistance band around your waist and your partners resistance from behind, Sprint 12m, then swap, x 5 Rest 1 minute, x 3 30-20-10 reps Sumo Deadlift High Pull @32/24kg Weighted V-Ups 10/5kg
Every 45 seconds: Complete 3 of your hardest Handstand Pushups x10 Run 400m 21 Thrusters 50/35kg 21 Supine Rope Row Run 400m 15 Thrusters 50/35kg 15 Supine Rope Row Run 400m 9 Thrusters 50/35kg 9 Supine Rope Row
60 Pausing Goblet Squats 28/20kg *2 second pause at bottom of each *every break= 12 alternating single box jumps 10 minute AMRAP: 30 Mountain Climbers over plates 12m Plate Pinch Carry 15/10kg
Working against your partner alternating for max reps of: Partner 1- Farmers Carry 80m 64kg/48kg Partner 2- Max Calorie Row Partner 1- Farmers Carry 80m 64kg/48kg Partner 2- Max Front Squat 60/45kg(from floor) Partner 1- Farmers Carry 80m 64kg/48kg Partner 2- Box Jumps 70/60cm Partner 1- Farmers Carry 80m 64kg/48kg Partner 2- Wall Walks Partner…
7 rounds for time: 15 Knees to Elbows 12m Broad Jump rest 2 minutes when complete, then 10-1 reps: KB Swing (24/16kg) Burpees Scaling Option on WOD Board
15 mins to find max Power Clean – Squat Clean – Jerk 15 minute Amrap: Run 200m 8 Duel KB Front Rack Lunges 24/16 Max Ring Dips
Every 45 seconds x 10 complete: 4 Sumo Box Squats @ 60-70% max then, 45 seconds on/ 15 seconds off: -Rower -HSPU -Wall Ball -Box Jumps X 3
Buy in 15 Thrusters @ 50/35kg *2 rounds: 9 Deficit Pushups 9 Toes To Bar 18 Deadlift @ 80/55kg *2 rounds: 7 Deficit Pushups 7 Toes To Bar 14 Deadlift @ 100/55kg *2 rounds: 5 Deficit Pushups 5 Toes To Bar 10 Deadlift @ 120/85kg Buy out 15 Thrusters 50/35kg For time *Use single bar…