Month: September 2017

Thursday 28/09/17

Alternating every 90 seconds x 12 rounds: -6 Good Morning Squats -4 Push Press *building weight to a max for last 3 rounds of each 50 Situps to touch 20 Box Jumps 70/60cm 40 Situps 16 Box Jumps 30 Situps 12 Box Jumps 20 Situps 8 Box Jumps 10 Situps 4 Box Jumps For Time

Saturday 23/09/17

Team Series: Event 2 For time: 120 double-unders, each, relay 120 chest-to-bar pull-ups, total, sets of 15 120 hang power snatches, total, sets of 15 120 double-unders, each, relay Men: 40kg / Ladies: 30kg Time Cap 15 minutes *Scaling options on WOD Board *Scaling Skipping optional