Wednesday 1/11/17
Run 1 Mile 100 Pullups 200 Pushups 300 Squats Run 1 Mile -For time DONT WORRY, WE HAVE ALTERNATIVES! *Partitian Reps -Run 1 mile 30 minute time cap: 20 Pull Ups 40 Pushups 60 Squats Run 1 mile
Run 1 Mile 100 Pullups 200 Pushups 300 Squats Run 1 Mile -For time DONT WORRY, WE HAVE ALTERNATIVES! *Partitian Reps -Run 1 mile 30 minute time cap: 20 Pull Ups 40 Pushups 60 Squats Run 1 mile
7 Hang Power Clean, 8 minutes 5 Bent Over Rope Rows, 8 minutes 3 Ring/Bar Muscle Ups, 8 minutes * Use 80% intensity for these so you last the full 8 rounds of each 200m Row- As fast as possible 4 rounds.
15 Minutes to complete: 4 Pausing Overhead Squats @ heaviest weight possible x 4 Conditioning: 30 Seconds max output / 30 Seconds rest: -KB Swings 32/24kg -Burpee Bar Touch (6″ Jump) -5m Shuttle (Ground tap) Post reps complete.
Competing for completion first, then swap 180m Farmers Carry (shuttle) 32/24kg Vs 50 Pullups 600m Run Vs 50 Power Snatch 40/30kg 180m Farmers Carry (shuttle) 32/24kg Vs 50 Wall Ball 9/7kg
***Restest workout*** ‘Max Rep Medley’ With a continuous running clock, complete as many reps as possible: 5 mins: Burpee Pull-ups 4 mins: Ring Dips 3 mins: Knees To Elbows 2 mins: Box Jumps 60/50 1 min: Deadlift 100/70
On The Minute Every Minute X 15: 5 Handstand Pushups @ Hard Intensity. 4 Rounds: 20 Anchored MB Setups 400m Run *Goal is to go unbroken in situps
In team of 3- 15 Minute AMRAP #1: P 1: Row 250m P 2: Max Lateral Burpees Over Plate P 3: Rest 15 Minute AMRAP #2: P 1: 15 Supinated Grip Deadlift P 2: Max Chin ups P 3: Rest
Every 2 minutes: 1 Snatch 30 Double Unders *Start at approx 60-70% and increase to a max Finish with 60 Ring Support Knee Tucks *Break into sets and reps as needed
In Partners, alternating every 10 Reps: 100 Double Unders 90 KB Swings @24/16kg 80 Box Jumps Overs 60/50cm 70 Situps 60 Single Arm KB Push Press @24/16kg 50 Jumping Pullups 40 Handstand Pushups 30 Calorie Row 20 Burpees 10 Snatch @ 60/40kg For time.