Month: November 2017

Friday 1/12/17

10 minutes to practice Muscle Ups (Bar or Rings). Work by yourself, teams of 2 or 3. then, 90 seconds work/rest for highest rep round. Exercises to complete for rounds: 1,3,5: Max Calorie row 2,4: Max Overhead Bar/Plate Lunges Men:30or25kg Ladies: 25or20kg *post total reps complete then Finish with Bar Rollouts (20-30 Reps)

Monday 27/11/17

Without Dropping KB’s- 10 KB Walking Lunges 15 Stiff Legged KB Deadlifts *Find heaviest weight in 20 minutes *Post total weight combined as KB Pair Finisher: 7 minute amrap 7 Power Cleans 40/ 30kg 7 Push Press 40/30kg 7 Burpee Over Bar * Try not to drop the bar for the 7 Reps Short workout,…

Saturday 25/11/17

Partnered workout, alternating work: Complete workout as a list: sharing reps between partners until complete: 10 Turkish Getups 24/16kg 20 Sumo Deadlift 70/50kg 30 CTB Pullups (strict) 40 Calorie Row 50 Goblet Squats 24/16kg 60 Lateral Box Jumps Overs 50/40 50 Goblet Squats 24/16kg 40 Calorie Row 30 CTB Pullups (strict) 20 Sumo Deadlift 70/50kg…

Friday 24/11/17

Partners alternate through exercises, you should swap between 2 exercises and 1 exercise each round. 15mins: 15 Toes to Bar 1 lap Overhead Plate Lunge 25/20kg 200m Run *15-20 minutes, timer continues, finish the round you are on from above workout then in time remaining complete: 1 for 1 Snatch 50/40kg until 20 minute mark….