Month: December 2017

Friday 29/12/17

Person 1: max rep bench press @ bodyweight Person 2: max rep back squats @ bodyweight Person 3: 5 shuttle runs w/ 2 burpee box jump overs 30 seconds on / 30 seconds off for 15 minutes: -Romanian Deadlift 60/40kg -Plate Hips to Overhead 25/20kg -Bench pronated plate lateral raises 60 reps strict to finish

Wednesday 27/12/17

Over the course of 7 sets: Heavy front squat – 3 reps 7 handstand push-ups 7 chest to bar pull-ups (Casual pace. 30 minute cap) then, In partners: 1st round 3 Dual KB Swings 3 KB Pushups Partner 2: 2nd round 6 Dual KB Swings 6 KB Pushups Etc, for 7 minutes

Sunday 24/12/17

’12 Days of CrossFit’ 40 minute time cap! 1 Burpee Over Bar 2 Power Clean 3 Push Jerk 4 Box Jumps 60/50cm 5 Jumping Pullups 6 Ball Slams 7 Pushups 8 Mountain Climbers 9 Squats 10 Situps 11 Power Snatch 12 Overhead Squats Completed just like the song goes 1/1-2/1-2-3/1-2-3-4,etc.

Saturday 23/12/17

OTMEM: -8 KB Deadlifts + Farmers Walk (40m) @ 24/16kg -2 Rope Climbs -10 Calorie Row -2 Split Jerks @ Bodyweight / 3/4 Bodyweight x 24 minutes Finisher- Eat a donut for time: *Pick your favourite donut *Tie to pull-up bar, hanging at 4 inches below bar height. Rules: You must complete 1 Pullup (range of…

Thursday 21/12/17

Sumo Deadlift 5-5-3-3 *Find your heavy 5 reps and repeat, find your heavy 3 reps and repeat. Then, Tabata rounds( 20 seconds work/10 seconds rest): Walking Lunges (max distance), x8 Single Arm KB Clean 28/20kg (alternate each round), x8 Single Arm KB Front Squat 28/20kg, x8 Walking Lunges (max distance), x8