Saturday 31/3/18
Run 700m Bear Crawl Lap 4 rounds: 20 KB Swings 24/16kg 50 Double Unders Bear Crawl Lap 10 Turkish Getups 24/16kg Bear Crawl Lap 4 rounds: 20 Wall Ball 10 Ring Dips Bear Crawl Lap Run 700m
Run 700m Bear Crawl Lap 4 rounds: 20 KB Swings 24/16kg 50 Double Unders Bear Crawl Lap 10 Turkish Getups 24/16kg Bear Crawl Lap 4 rounds: 20 Wall Ball 10 Ring Dips Bear Crawl Lap Run 700m
18 minutes: In a group of 3, only swapping when exercise is complete: 5 Handstand Pushups 2 Legless Rope Climbs 10 Cal Bike 12 minutes: Work unto hardest: 8 rep Ring Row (add weight if possible) and also 15 situps between each set
Part 1) Find heaviest weight for: 2 Snatch Grip Deadlift 2 Hang Power Snatch 1 Power Snatch Part 2) Every 2.5 minutes x 6: 3 Front Squats 6 Chinups *work upto hardest set and maintain
Alternating exercises for 6 minutes: 14 Wall Ball 9/6kg 7 Lateral Box Jumps Overs 60/50cm 4 x 10 m Shuttle Sprint Work at same time swapping between 6 minutes: 30m Tyre Drag Max rep Toes to Bar 2 rounds
For Max Reps 5 minutes: 2 Unbroken dumbell ground to overhead + 2 front rack lunges 4 minutes: Ring/ Bar muscle-ups 3 minutes: Double Unders 2 minutes: Pistol Squats 1 minute: Hand release push -ups Finish with 2 minutes max Row Distance
7 minutes: 3 MB Cleans 9/7kg 3 Box Jumps 60/50cm 3 Burpees 6 MB Cleans 9/7kg 6 Box Jumps 60/50cm 6 Burpees 9 MB Cleans 9/7kg 9 Box Jumps 60/50cm 9 Burpees etc. Rest approx 3 minutes, then starting where you made it to, try and descend through the rep rounds and complete in another…
200m Farmers Carry (with Rope grip) 16/12kg 20 Weighted Step ups 2 minute skipping 200m Farmers Carry (with Rope grip) 16/12kg 20 Weighted Step ups 3 minute skipping 200m Farmers Carry (with Rope grip) 16/12kg 20 Weighted Step ups 4 minute skipping For Time and little drops as possible.
Technique work for 12 minute on each: Snatches Kipping Swing Write notes for yourself in results for practice or progression purposes. Utilize open training or before/after class times where possible. Run 700m, rest 3 minutes. x 3 record total run time.
Complete 10/8/6/4/2 reps for max total weight for both: -Bench Press -Pendlay Row *Alternate Exercises. *Work in a group to assist spotting bar for one another. *No time component to this workout. In Partners Complete: 1 minute work/ 1 minute rest x 8, alternating exercises each round: -Rope Knees to Elbows -Double Unders
Find your heaviest 2 Rep Thruster from rack 15 minute to complete For 20 minutes, completing each round as hard and fast as possible, followed by 90 seconds rest: 6 Handstand Pushups (at scaling option you can go unbroken) 8 Jumping Lunges 1 Burpee Sprint 10m. *Recover well after each effort. *Your sprint is to…