Tuesday 1/5/18
3 Rounds for time: 70 Double Unders 9 Push Jerks 50 Double Unders 9 2-for-1 Wall Balls (squat while ball in air) 30 Double Unders 9 Muscle Ups **Scaling options will be necessary for many
3 Rounds for time: 70 Double Unders 9 Push Jerks 50 Double Unders 9 2-for-1 Wall Balls (squat while ball in air) 30 Double Unders 9 Muscle Ups **Scaling options will be necessary for many
Over the course of 5 rounds, find a 2 RM Back Squat: #1: 2 reps #2: 2 reps #3: 2 reps #4: 2 reps #5: 2 reps *Between each round complete 8 Partner anchored bench back extensions (1 second pause at top) Partner workout: Partner 1 works for 30 seconds: Max distance Handstand Walk Partner…
Press 4-4-4 21-15-9 reps for time: Overhead Squats 50/40kg Toes To Bar
8 Minutes: Alternate rounds P1: 6 Bent Over Row 90% 6 Burpee Over Bar P2: As Many Wall Balls As Possible 9/7kg * Rest 2 Minutes 8 Minutes: Alternate rounds P1: 40m Tyre Drag P2: As many HSPU as possible * Rest 2 Minutes 5 Minutes: Max Passing Wall Ball Sit-ups anchored with DB’s *…
20 Minutes to find a heavy complex Snatch Deadlift Hand Power Snatch Squat Snatch As many rounds as possible in 12 minutes: 12 CTB Pullups 16 KB Deadlifts 32/28kg 8 KB Pushups 10/8 cal bike/rower
EMOM x 20 Mins: •40 Double Unders •11 Ring Dips •7 Front Squats 50/35kg •Max Banded Punches (30 secs each) *no rest round
Overhead Squat 4-3-2 *Go heavy for each set then, 1 x 1.6km Run 2 x 700m Run 3 x 400m Run 4 x 200m Run Rest:Work / 1:1 *Your score is your total run time
Benchmark fo the month ‘Angie’ For time: • 100 pull-ups • 100 push ups • 100 sit-ups • 100 squats
In Partners, 1 person complete full round, partner to spot. 4 Sumo Deadlift (near 4RM weight) 8 Pistols (make hard- add weight, less assistance etc) 30 seconds back extended hold (off bench, partner holding feet) *6 rounds each Finish with Partner 1) Max Banded Pull Downs vs Partner 2- time dominant) 10 Plank leg split…
5 x 5 Muscled Snatch *Start from floor or hang. *Heels DONT leaves the floor. *Avoid dropping body under bar- everything only moves upwards. 60 second rounds: Front Rack Lunges 50/35kg Double Unders L-sit leg raises Heavy single Arm DB Ground to Overhead (heavy weight) *rest 2 minutes