Month: September 2018

Monday 1/10/18

**The key is NOT to drop the ball** In partners complete: 400m MB Run (together) 40 MB Overhead Lunges 40 MB Sit-up and Pass 40 Partnered Wall Ball 4 Rounds / 30 minute cap **PENALTY: IF YOUR BALL HITS THE FLOOR YOU AND YOUR PARTNER OWE 15 BURPEES ON THE SPOT.

Saturday 29/9/18

5km Time Trial Run with PARK RUN *Meet at grass area across from Tasman Hotel (61 Tasman Terrace) *7:50am arrival for a start at 8.00am sharp or 9.00am for the 2nd class we run (this will be run for CrossFit Members only) See for more details

Thursday 27/9/18

Gymnastics Skills and Stretches: For 6 Minutes: Practise Back Bridges *Break this down into sets of quality max holds. 30 second German Hang, 30 seconds rest 30 second Front Roll/Rolling Squats, 30 second rest x 3 2 minute Side Split Right Leg 2 minute Side Split Left Leg Finish with: 5 x Bear complex @…

Tuesday 25/9/18

Today workouts are partnered and unknown. There are two workouts planned for each partner. Partner 1 will be given a card with the first workout which details exercises and repetitions, Partner 2 will be unknowingly completing the workout, Partner 1 will call out exercises to partner 2 ‘on the go’/as the workout is being done,…

Monday 24/9/18

OTMEM x 18 minutes: 1) 3 Deadlifts @ 60% 6 Jump and Touch @ 6 inch above standing reach height 2) 6 Strict Ring Pullups 3) Back Rack Push Press + O/H Squats @ 60% , 6 Reps Finish with: 10 Minute AMRAP: 8 MB Squat and Throw to partner (single person) 10 MB Plank…