Month: January 2019

Saturday 26/1/19

For Time: Partner Workout 1 working @ a time other, Partner must hold KB Front Rack 24/16kg in each arm, whilst partner is working if partner drops front rack hold partner working must also stop. 50 Cal Bike 40 Ball Over Shoulder 40/30kg 30 Push Press 60/40kg 20 Dead Ball Squats 40/30kg 10 Rope Climbs…

Friday 18/1/19

Death By OTMEM, Starting with 2 reps and increasing by 2 reps every new round until failure: Heavy DB Cleans Handstand Pushups Front Squats CTB Pullups *You will start with 2 reps of each exercise over 4 minutes (1 minute to complete each exercise), then increase to 4 of each, etc. *When an exercise fails…