Month: March 2019

Monday 1/4/19

Strength EMOM Every minute complete the following every minute x 12 minutes: 1. 6 Muscled Snatch 2. 6 Sotts Press 3. 6 Ring Dips Conditioning EMOM Every minute complete the following every minute x 20 minutes: 1. 6 Jerks 70/45kg 2. 15 Mb Cleans 9/6kg 3. 200m Row 4. 8 Burpee Box Jumps 60/50cm 5….

Wednesday 20/3/19

EMOM x 10 minutes: 1. 3 Chin-up (work up to hardest option) 2. 6 DB Deficit Pushups EMOM x 25 minutes: 25min EMOM Min 1: 10 Devils press 22.5kg/15kg Min 2: 12 Single Dumbbell Box Step-ups 25/20kg Min 3: 5 Deadball Over Shoulder 40/30kg Min 4: 15/12 Cal Row Min 5: Rest