Month: May 2019

Saturday 1/6/19

For Time: 2 of 3 people complete: -4 Squat Clean 60/45kg -4 KB Weighted Step Overs 48kg/32kg & 60/50cm -8 Squat Clean -8 KB Weighted Step Overs -12 Squat Clean -12 KB Weighted Step Overs ..etc. *One working at a time but sharing reps. while 3rd person carries deadball 600m (Malee Crescent) 30/20kg *one person…

Friday 31/5/19

Supine Ring Row 3(+6)  3(+6)  3(+6) 3(+6)  3(+6) 3 AHAP then 6 fast bodyweight or scaled reps immediately after. For 12 Minutes complete as many round and reps as possible in partners: – 9/6 cal Bike OR 12/9 Cal Row -9 Box Jump Overs 60/50cm -12 DB Snatch 27.5/20kg *Alternating exercises

Wednesday 29/05/19

Single Arm Ring Pull up 3-3-3 2 Mins Work / 2 Mins Rest For Max Reps in time remaining time. – 50 Double Unders/ Max OH lunges 20/15Kg Rest 2 Mins – 15 Cal Bike/ Max Ball Slams 30/20Kg Rest 2 Mins – 20 Cal Row/ Max KB swings 24/16kg x 2 Rounds ( 24Mins…

Friday 24/5/19

We have had a lot of request and thought what the hell! We’re moving all of (as much as we can) our equipment. KB’s DB’s Bars Bumpers Box’s Medicine Ball’s We plan to take whatever we can over 35 minutes. 35 Minute for as much weight possible: Carry object 400m to 28 St Andrews Terrace…

Thursday 23/5/19

8 minutes to work with your best scaling option of a handstand. Fundamentally we will be working on tight long body- creating ‘rigidity’. Scaling Options: 1. Freestand 2. Handstand with partner spotting 3. Prone Bridge Hold   In groups of 3 complete for time: DB Power Snatch 22.5/15kg Med Ball Squats 20/15kg Single DB Box…