Month: June 2019

Saturday 29/6/19

In teams 4: 3 minutes to complete as many reps as possible: -3 ball slamming burpees 20/15kg -15 battle rope slams *next person starts only when person in front finishes ball slam burpees 3 minutes to complete as many reps as possible: -30m bent arm plate carry 25/15kg -3 Handstand Pushups strict *next person starts…

Thursday 27/6/19

3 x 10 minute segments: #1: 10 minutes of shoulder stability: 5 Bottoms-up KB Shoulder Presses 10 Standing Banded Chest Press (each side) #2 4-3-2-1 Snatch Grip Deadlift. *30 second Plank Hold after each set #3 10 minute amrap: 20 KB Swings 24/16kg 20 Squat and Throw 9/6kg *with this workout you must go unbroken…

Tuesday 25/6/19

0-5 minutes: 400m Run 400m Row *Rest in remaining time. 5-10 minutes: Every minute x 5 minutes: 8 Handstand Pushups 10-15 minutes: 25 Squat Cleans 60/40kg for time. *Rest in remaining time 15-20 minutes: Complete as many double unders as possible

Monday 24/6/19

Rope Grip Pullups 5-5 *Finish with a max set of strict reps. You will have an minimum rep range according to your scaling ability. For time: 50 Push Press 50/35kg 40 Box Jumps 60/50cm 30 SDHP 20 Pullups 10 Wall Walks 20 Pullups 30 SDHP 40 Box Jumps 50 Push Press *20 minute cap

Friday 21/6/19

Handstand Practice *10 Minutes practice time, use time efficiently- EMOM, etc.. Scale Back to -Shoulder Taps -Free Standing -Handstand Walking, etc.. then 18 minutes: 3 minutes to complete 60 Double Unders 10 Toes To Bar Max Ring Rows in remaining time 3 minutes to complete 60 Double Unders 10 Toes To Bar Max Hand Release…