Thursday 1/8/19
For Time: Run 400m 21 Snatches 60/40kg Run 400m 15 Snatches Run 400m 9 Snatches
For Time: Run 400m 21 Snatches 60/40kg Run 400m 15 Snatches Run 400m 9 Snatches
3 x 10 minute segments 1. AMRAP 10 Box Jumps 5m H/S Walk 2. QUALITY 2-4-6-8..etc Pistols Strict Pullups 3.INTERVALS 4 x 30 SECONDS EFFORTS Legs only Bike Max Calories *You will compete 4 sets in 10 minutes
P1: Hollow Hang for P2 time taken P2: 12 cal Bike/Row 6 Devils Press P3: Rest 25 minute cap
BENCHMARK Retest For MAX TOTAL REPS 20 Minute EMOM Min 1: Single Arm DB Step- Ups 60/50cm Min 2: Bar Facing Burpees Min 3: Barbell Front Rack Lunges 60/40kg Min 4: Max Cals Rower Min 5: Rest x4 * Accumulate as many reps as possible each minute for a score of TOTAL REPS over the…
300m Row/.4km Bike 15 Thrusters 40/30kg 10 CTB Pullups *20 minute amrap *Alternating exercises between partners
Every minute complete: -6 Power Cleans 80/55kg -15 Burpees -40m DB Front Rack Carry 60/45kg -Rest *Go heavy with the Cleans even if not r=working at required weight, aim for 1 every 10 seconds in that minute
20 seconds work, 10 seconds rest, no rest between: -Handstand Pushups -Toes to Bar -KB Snatches -Wall Balls Complete 8 sets of each before moving to next exercise
Run 400m x 5 *Rest 90 seconds between each round score is total time Finish with 100 Sit-ups in partners P1 holds plank whilst partner does sit-ups and swap. Must complete 100 sit-ups each Then 100 partnered Back Extensions off bench. Partner holds down feet whilst partner completes sets and reps and swap until the…
3 minutes to complete: -15 Box Jump Overs 70/60cm -Max Bar Muscle Ups then 1 minute max reps: KB Front Rack Lunges x 4 Rounds for reps
‘DT’ and D/U’s 5 Rounds for time: 12 Deadlifts 9 Hang Power Cleans 6 Push Jerks 60 Double Unders M/F:70/47kg