Tuesday 1/10/19
As a complex complete: 6 DB Bench Press (as heavy as you can) 12m DB Walking Lunge 8 DB Deadlifts 12m Farmers Carry return x 6 sets (20 minutes) Finisher: 100 Wall Balls 9/6kg
As a complex complete: 6 DB Bench Press (as heavy as you can) 12m DB Walking Lunge 8 DB Deadlifts 12m Farmers Carry return x 6 sets (20 minutes) Finisher: 100 Wall Balls 9/6kg
25 minute time cap: Complete 1.25km Run ..in remaining time complete as many rounds of ‘Mary’ as possible: 5 Handstand Pushups 10 Pistol Squats 15 Pullups
In a Team 3 complete 3 x 8 minute AMRAPS: 1. 8 Minutes: P1: 6 x 30 m shuttles (2 x 15m) P2: Max Rep Front Squats 70/47kg P3: Rest *Rotate through on completion of shuttle runs. 2. 8 Minutes: P1: 20/16cal Bike P2: Max Rep Back Squats 70/47kg P3: Rest *Rotate through on completion…
Alternating 3 minute AMRAP’s x 3 each: Ascending by 3 reps at a time -Hang Squat Clean 50/35kg -Box Jump Overs 60/50cm *1 minute rest Ascending by 3 reps at a time -Pullups -Handstand Pushups 1 minute rest *Continue where you left off for each AMRAP
Accessory work: 10 Standing DB Arnold Press 15 each Prone lying A T Y Pulses x 4 5 minutes: DB Man Maker 22.5/15kg 4 minutes: Single KB Front Rack Lunges 24/16kg 3 minutes: Triple Unders 2 minutes: Knees to Elbows 1 minute: Bike Calories
Sumo Deadlift 6-6-4-4-4 Three rounds of: • Wall-ball 9/6kg • Sumo deadlift high-pull 35/25kg • Box Jump 50/40cm • Push-press 35/25kg • Ball Over Shoulder 30/20kg *Rest Round
Accessory work 10 DB Shoulder Front Raise + Shoulder Horizontal Shoulder Abduction (slow) 10m DB Scapula Bear Crawl -3 sets *Alternating exercises between partners for 18 minutes: 6 Squat Snatches 60/40kg 9 CTB Pullups 12 Hand Release Pushups to overhead touch
For time: 30 Alternating DB Ground to Overhead 22.5/15kg 30 Air Squats 24 Alternating DB GTO 27.5/17.5kg 30 Air Squats 18 Alternating DB GTO 30/20kg 30 Air Squats 12 Alternating DB GTO 32.5/22.5kg 30 Air Squats 6 Alternating DB GTO 35/25kg 30 Air Squats 8 Minute Amrap: 30 second LSit 50 Double Unders
1km Run 30 Bench Press @ Bodyweight 15 Muscle Ups 30 Bench Press 1km Run For time.
‘American Nightmare’ 30 Minute time cap: Perform 1 Barbell Hang Clean, 1 Front Rack Lunge on each leg, 1 Shoulders to Overhead. Complete 100 rounds for time @ 60% of your bodyweight.