04. Jun
OTMEM x 15
6 DB Bench Press (AHAP)
12 GTO with Double Plate Pinch (AHAP)
6 Supinated Grip Bent Over Row (AHAP)
*Must only build weight for first 2 rounds of each then find working weight for last 3 rounds of each.
*post total weight
max rep finisher
1 minute round:
Max Single Arm Db Squat Clean 22.5/15kg (each side)
1 minute rest.
1 minute round:
Max Single Arm Supine Ring Pullup (each side)
1 minute rest.
x 3
*For both exercises you have 1 minute total- you can opt to complete 30 seconds each side trying to match your repetitions in following 30 seconds or complete 1 minute alternating arms.